The Last Five Years" is a contemporary musical that chronicles the five-year relationship between Jamie Wellerstein, a rising novelist, and Cathy Hiatt, a struggling actress. With a unique storytelling structure, Jamie's narrative moves forward in time while Cathy's story unfolds in reverse, meeting only once in the middle during their wedding. Written by Jason Robert Brown, the musical features an emotionally charged score that captures the highs and lows of love, ambition, and heartbreak. Known for its raw and intimate portrayal of a relationship's evolution, "The Last Five Years" resonates deeply with audiences through its honest and poignant lyrics and melodies.
Jamie Wallerstein
Beau Xzane
Cathy Hiatt
Amelia Segler
Production Crew
The Venue
The Loft By STAR Society
22520 Southwest Washington Street, Sherwood, OR, USA
Enjoy a variety of beverages, including beer, wine, and mimosas, as well as delicious snacks available for purchase at our in-house bar, "The Robin’s Nest." Make your evening even more delightful by indulging in refreshments before or during the show.